Legal Information

Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals web-site

Compliant to the clauses contained within article 6 of the (French) law n° 2004–575 dated 21 June 2004 concerning Confidence in the Digital Economy, users of Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals web-site are hereby informed as to the identity of various parties involved in its creation and administration :

The web-site is owned and published by a corporate entity.

Hôpitaux Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue
185, rue Raymond Losserand
75674 Paris cedex 14
Tel : 01 44 12 33 33

Publication director : Fabienne Rouhier (Development, communications, and international relations director)
Webmaster : Sandra Pertuisel
Web-host : OVH SAS

Personal data protection

In France personal data is generally protected by Law n° 78–87 dated 6 January 1978, Law n° 2004–801 dated 6 August 2004, article L.266–13 of the (French) Penal Code and the European Directive dated 24 October 1995.

The following data will be collected when using Paris Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals international web-site :

  • the URL internet address of the links which have directed the user to access the web-site
  • the user’s internet provider
  • the users Internet protocol (IP) address

No personal data concerning users of the web-site :

  • is collected without the user’s knowledge
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  • is exchanged, shared, transferred, sold to any third party in any form whatsoever

The whole of the web-site and each or its individual elements are subject to French and International law regarding copyright and, from a broader point of view, intellectual property (including copyright protection, brand-name protection, database protection, etc.).
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Any other use will be subject to the prior and specific authorisation of Paris Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals.

All links to Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals web-site must receive prior written authorisation from Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals. Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals refuse all responsibility concerning the content of web-sites linked to Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals web-site.

Scientific and medical information

The information included on Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals web-site is intended to further, rather than replace, the relation that exists between the patient (or site visitor) and their doctor and therefore can in no way be considered equivalent to a professional medical opinion. They do not, in any way, have the diagnostic, prognostic or therapeutic advice value that can be received in a personal patient-doctor interview situation. Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals will not be held responsible for any direct or indirect prejudice of any sort whatsoever that results from the use, even if partial, of the information available on this web-site.


The web-site’s mission is to provide information about Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals operations. It is intended for persons seeking information about how our institution operates.


Our web-site is financed by Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals.


Our site does not accept any sort of advertising.


The documents published electronically on this web-site have been subject to a large number of revision and proof-reading processes ; however they may still contain errors. Please feel free to inform us of any errors that you notice.

Between when you downloaded the documents and when you actually read them, the texts included therein may have been updated.
We consequently can in no way guarantee that this information is correct, complete and up to date.

Paris Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals will not accept responsibility for any direct or indirect damages consequent to your access to or use of this website, or for any damages or computer virus affecting your computer or other IT device.

More generally speaking, Paris Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals can provide no, specific or implied, guarantee concerning all or part of the web-site.

About this site

Design and production : GIVE ME MORE

Photo credits

Saint-Joseph & Marie-Lannelongue Hospitals